Title: Yann Sérandour. Inside the White Cube
Subtitle: Overprinted Edition (English) / Édition palimpseste (French)
Publisher : JRP|Ringier, Zurich
Published as part of the series Christoph Keller Editions
Editors: Yann Sérandour, Jérôme Saint-Loubert Bié
Descriptions of works by Yann Sérandour, design and introductory text by Jérôme Saint-Loubert Bié.
Size: 26,7 x 26,7 cm [10 1/2 x 10 1/2 in]
Number of pages: 84 pages + cover
Printing offset : one run of black, overprinted with white ink + one spot colour
English edition overprinted in green (see pictures) and French edition overprinted in violet
Number of copies: 600 (English) + 400 (French)
Was awarded the prize “The Most Beautiful Swiss Books 2009”
Harnessing strategies of mimicry, infiltration, and parasiticism, the work of Yann Sérandour reactivates and hijacks the substance of historical art works and publications. Conceived in collaboration with Jérôme Saint-Loubert Bié on the basis of the same principle, this publication is printed over the French edition of Brian O’Doherty's book Inside the White Cube, recently released by JRP|Ringier and designed by no-do. This palimpsestic book presents a selection of projects by Yann Sérandour that are derived from other books and other authors. The design, using Adrian Frutiger’s Méridien typeface, explicitely quotes Jack W. Stauffacher’s design for Brian O’Doherty Inside the White Cube, while the book format is the one of the magazine Artforum in which Brian O’Doherty’s essay first appeared.
A limited edition subtitled “Édition fantôme” consists of a presentation case designed to hold the French and English editions of this book. See Yann Sérandour, ITWC, Édition Fantôme.