Two-person exhibition
Title: Loot
Year: 1998
Exhibition: “Loot,” Übermain Gallery, Los Angeles, February 21–March 21, 1998
Exhibition with Mark Robert Lewis
5 C-prints pinned to the wall, 76.2 x 101.6 cm [30 x 40 in.] each; 9 C- prints displayed in flat Kodak boxes in the gallery’s storeroom, 76.2 x 101.6 cm [30 x 40 in.] each.
During a visit to look at the space, the gallery was photographed empty. The resulting 4" x 6" prints were pinned to a wall, rephotographed, and printed 30" x 40". The latter prints were hung in the gallery. Installation views were taken and also printed 30" x 40". This second set of large prints was hung in the place of the first, which was displayed in boxes in the gallery’s storeroom. Through a sort of reversal, the work was “put away” and its documentation was exhibited.`
(Paintings in photo 3/3 by Mark Robert Lewis.)