Mevis & van Deursen
1/2: Poster shown at Atelier Cardenas Bellanger
2/2: Poster Shown at Galerie de Multiples

Mevis & van Deursen set my text providing the list of contributors in a clear, bold design then vertically split it between two posters. This economy of means introduced an interesting disequilibrium to the project as a whole. Those with longer names are better represented on the “right-hand side” poster while those with short names don’t appear on it at all. With no recourse to contrived means, these two posters measure up the space between legibility and prior knowledge.

Francis Baudevin
Documentation Céline Duval
Daniel Eatock
Experimental Jetset
Christoph Keller
Mevis & van Deursen
Jonathan Monk
Dave Muller
Yann Sérandour
Jian-Xing Too

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